Insulation specifications in industry are outdated

The analysis of the 2.500 TIPCHECKs shows that most insulation systems in industry today are neither economical nor energy efficient. EiiF analyses that several factors contribute to the tendency in industry to insulate less rather than implement more energy-efficient insulation systems: the pressure to reduce investment and maintenance costs, an increasing lack of insulation knowhow and split responsibilities for energy and maintenance budgets. Consequently, the energy-efficiency level of insulation in Europe’s industrial installations today is relatively low. Moreover, many plants in Europe are aging and in a dire need for insulation repair.

TIPCHECKs (Thermal Insulation Performance Check) are volunteer energy audits in industrial plants, which help to unveil insulation potentials on applications in place.

The biggest part of the growing – but with energy-efficient insulation easily avoidable – carbon emissions in industry comes from uninsulated equipment or equipment which has damaged insulation. Of the approximately 2.500 plants and technical installations (1,870 in buildings, 571 in industry) inspected over the past 10 years and mainly in Europe, there was not one that did not have potential for savings. This wasteful practice leads to the avoidable, large heat losses described above and thus to the high and unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions analyzed by this study.


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The TIPCHECK is a professional training program offered by the EiiF for insulation engineers, asset owners, energy auditors, energy managers and consultants who are trained how to perform standardized high-quality thermal energy audits.

Knauf Insulation has highly educated TIPCHECK engineers with long-term experience in the insulation industry as well.

Be part of the community to help to safe our planet. By conducting an energy audit in your plant, you will be surprised about the saving potentials on energy costs and CO2 emissions.

Ask for a free-of-charge first consultation and  get in touch with us - fill in the application form.



to learn about possible energy savings in your plant